/manager/Index en-au 5 Metric dimension of directed graphs /manager/Repository/uon:20385 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:58:08 AEDT ]]> On the metric dimension of circulant and Harary graphs /manager/Repository/uon:19436 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:51:58 AEDT ]]> On the strong metric dimension of tetrahedral diamond lattice /manager/Repository/uon:28278 metric basis. Metric dimension is the cardinality of a metric basis. A pair of vertices u, v is said to be strongly resolved by a vertex s, if there exists at least one shortest path from s to u passing through v, or a shortest path from s to v passing through u. A set W ⊆ V, is said to be a strong resolving set if for all pairs u, v ∉ W, there exists some element s ∈ W such that s strongly resolves the pair u, v. A strong resolving set of minimum cardinality is called a strong metric basis. The cardinality of a strong metric basis for G is called the strong metric dimension of G. The strong metric dimension (metric dimension) problem is to find a strong metric basis (metric basis) in the graph. In this paper, we solve the strong metric dimension and the metric dimension problems for the graph of tetrahedral diamond lattice.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:41:22 AEDT ]]>